4th New Jersey Regiment
Maxwell’s Brigade |
4th New Jersey Regiment
Organized September 1776, at Morristown.
Entered Valley Forge with 292 men assigned and 186 fit for duty.
Left Valley Forge with 332 assigned 234 fit for duty.
Previous engagements: Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth.
Field Officers
- Colonel Ephraim Martin
- Lt. Colonel Davis Rhea
- Major John Conway
Company Commanders
- Captain John Anderson
- Captain Jonathan Forman
- Captain James Holmes
- Captain Jonathan Kinsey
- Captain Abraham Lyon
- Captain Jacob Martin
- Captain Alexander Mitchell
- Captain William Bond
Regimental Staff
- Chaplain Andrew Hunter
- Quartermaster Ephram Darby
- Adjutant Joseph King
- Paymaster Absolom Martin
- Surgeon John B Riker
- Surgeon’s Mate Jacob Harris
- Quartermaster Sergeant John Johnson
- Sergeant Major James Rodgers
- Drum Major Richard Jobbs